Partner Contact Role
Energy for Sustainable Development Ltd
Paul Ruyssevelt
Assen Gasharov
Expertise in solar energy, energy efficiency and the EEC
The Rudloe Centre

Neil Evans
Jane Stewart
Overall project management and administration
Oxford City Council
Paul Robinson
Emma Thomas
Involved in all project activities and leading on local support
Oxford Brookes University
Sue Roaf
Manuel Fuentes
GIS model to aid marketing and track progress
TV Energy

Ian Bacon Support dissemination and provide local advice

Bradley Hook
Annie Batten
Support dissemination and provide local advice
Oxford Inspires

Robert Hutchinson
Eka Morgan
Partnership with the Oxford Centre of Culture 2008 project

The project is financially supported by:

The Energy Saving Trust (EST)
Claire Handley Innovation Programme grant
London Electricity

Rita Cudd Support and enable implementation of energy efficiency measures