Meeting the Targets and
Putting Renewables to Work

This is the website of the MITRE project (Monitoring and Modelling Initiative on the Targets for Renewable Energy) which has set out to monitor the European Union renewable energy targets and to inform key policy and decision makers of the economic (employment) benefits of a proactive renewable strategy.

With positive action from the Member States, the targets can be achieved, but the timeframe in which to implement these strategies is not long.

The economic benefits of such renewable energy growth are also large, with potentially more than a million new jobs being created in and by the European renewable industry by 2010.

The MITRE team aims to encourage the development of renewable strategies that will increase employment, European competitiveness and technological expertise, while also improving security and diversification of supply.

MITRE will achieve its goals if it increases awareness of renewables at government level, promotes the implementation of positive renewable policies and helps to expand the debate towards the further integration of renewable energy in Europe.

The final results of MITRE are now in the public domain. These are as follows:

4 page document highlighting the main results of the project
Overview Report
30 page document providing more details of the MITRE methodology and results
Country Reports
Overview reports for each of the EU15 Member States

Copies are available through this site, click here to download.

MITRE has been part of the PRISM cluster and was part-financed by the European Commission's ALTENER programme.

The MITRE project is partially funded by DG TREN (Energy & Transport) of the European Commission under the Altener programme. Neither the European Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission, is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained in this website and in the documents published within it. The views expressed in this website and in the documents within this website have not been adopted or in any way approved by the Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the Commission's views.

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