United Kingdom
Joint Implementation in the UK |
The UK is currently one of the few countries in the EU, which is in a very strong position to meet its Kyoto commitment (12.5% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2010).
UK government is at various stages of facilitating involvement in Joint Implementation (JI). The Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) has already set up a (
Business & Climate Change: UK Advisory Office) to inform UK industry on the flexible mechanisms and is planning to set up a staffed office for the Kyoto flexible mechanisms (KMex Office).Industry
UK industry has been extremely active in the area of the flexible mechanisms and in particular has set up a voluntary
Emissions Trading Group (ETG), The group consists of most of the major players in the UK energy sector and is facilitated through the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and Advisory Committee for Business and the Environment (ACBE).The ETG is currently designing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme, which is due to commence in April 2001. With this experience, the UK is one of the leading countries in emissions trading systems design.
JOINT Country Team
The JOINT UK country team has good representation from many of the key associations and groups within the UK. ESD, Ecosecurities and TXU are all well represented on the UK Emissions Trading Group. The team also represents key trade associations with membership of the Electricity Association and the Association of Electricity producers, amongst others.
The UK country team is led by ESD and comprises:
Energy for Sustainable Development Ltd. (Energy/Environment specialist)
EcoSecurities Ltd (Energy/Environment specialist)
TXU Europe Power Ltd(Industrial partner � Energy Generation and Services)
Trade Partners UK(Government representative � Export Opportunities under Energy & Environment)
The team also calls upon government representatives from the:
Department of Environment Transport and the Regions (DETR)(UNFCCC Focal Point)
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
Department for International Development (DFID)
UK Climate Links:
UK Emissions Trading Group
Business & Climate Change: UK Advisory Office
UK Renewable Energy Trade Associations:
The British Wind Energy Association
British Hydropower Association
British Biogen
Energy from Waste Association
UK Landfill Gas Association
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