
Joint Implementation in Estonia

Estonia has already more than met its Kyoto target (8% reduction by 2010). The target equates to a reduction from 37 million tonnes in 1990 to 32 million tonnes in 2010 and Estonia’s current emissions are 19 million tonnes. This has been achieved by a 50% reduction in power usage, energy conservation measures and also fuel switching. In order to restore the power production (with export to Russia) there needs to be special measures put in place for CO2 reduction.

Activities Implemented Jointly Pilot Phase

There have been a number of projects carried out in Estonia under the AIJ pilot phase in Estonia, these have predominantly been energy efficiency projects (district heating and fuel conversion, including biofuels) and carried out by the Swedish National Energy Administration and the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development.

JOINT Country Team

The Estonian Country Team is lead by Estivo and also consists of Estonian Power and Heat Association, The Ministry of Environment and The Ministry of Economic Affairs. The Country Team is currently very active in arranging the JOINT Project's third Core Team meeting in Tallinn in late-July 2000.

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