IE4Sahel Events


The IE4Sahel project team organised two main events in the Sahel region. A training workshop at the Centre Regional Aghrimet (Niger) and a Ministerial Conference on "Energy and Poverty Reduction in the Sahel" in  Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).

1. Training Workshop
Centre Regional Agrhymet, Niamey, Niger
2-6 October 2006

The training workshop has been an important event for discussing the energy and poverty linkages in the Sahel region. There have been several sessions covering international, regional and national policies, low cost technologies, project methodologies and future concerns and perspectives.
For more information, list of participants, presentations and documents CLICK HERE!


2. Ministerial Conference on "Energy and Poverty Reduction in the Sahel"
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 29 - 31 May 2007

This conference has been a three days event hosted at CILSS headquarters, in Ouagadougou; the first two days have been an expert's meeting and on the final day the results have been presented to the Ministers, followed by a discussion modification and approval.

For more information, list of participants, presentations and documents CLICK HERE!